Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I'm so happyyyyy!

I know the title is weird because I'm didn't go anywhere and I didn't get anything yet.

uncle say wanna bring sis go Las Vegas next year (sponsered by uncle) > mom say sis cannot go alone> I persuade sis that if she go alone very boring one> sis say next year I spm cannot> mom say she also cannot coz got class and wont have long holidays> I say why not we go when I and sis graduate ......

in about 1-2 years?

But it's totally worth it.

Hollywood <3

By then I will wear proper clothes and have proper camera (heh)

I will have tons of fun =))) yipeee

note to self: bring lots of aloe vera + face cream ( I wont make the same mistake again xD)

I have some serious shopping 411 to do again.

and a phone *coming soon*

I prefer to give you s suprise .
anyway I will post it when I got it

tommorow going to Victoria Station ,Ampang to celebrate my mom's birthday =))


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