Tuesday, December 1, 2009

rise and shine

If you think you're hair is

not straight

not silky

not nice

not smooth

very damage

very rough

or whatsoever ...

constantly say that you hate your hair...

well, I just wanna say SHUT UP (whoopsss. being so rude here)

please appreciate your nice and silky hair will you?

what's my problem?

are you asking me?

My problem is this!!! This is not the first time already! GOD...

I broke so many comb/hair brush . =.=

I was so shock until my jaw drop for about 1 minute staring at my favourite hair brush . RIP

people like me have to buy so many product for my super ultra oily face .

The main point is ..

I'm just so fed up man!

Last Friday went KL fetch my sister from Jalan Ampang .then headed to Suria KLCC

'who want to go tp Aquaria tommorow?'

'har? I go about like 287489237487286738 times already lor'

'huh? since when ? '

'school tripsssss...so what time we bertolak?

It was blue that night =)

If you've been following my blog then you will know that it changes its colour all the time.

So,at first had our lunch at the food court .

'The food court in here is very high class one'

and guess what I saw? I crack up when I saw a guy taking picture of the chicken rice stall.. the chickens ,char siew and ducks.

'and you will find alot of tourist taking picture of funny things'

My sister became the tour guide of the day because she 'everyday' also go there.

'the higher you go ,the more expensive the food is,up there got all the atas atas restaurant one'

'O.O? nowonder McDonald and KFC is downstair LOL,of cause mah. cause the more atas the floor is the more atas the restaurant is LOL'

So,even tough I went there so many times,I must say that it kinna look different everytime I go there

So we act like total noob aka pure noob looking at those fish we never see before.

I felt so noob

This is my favourite butterfly



God bless u all..It's real but it's basically ....dead.

the super adorable yet awesome janitor aka the fish that eats dust ..damn cute ok?

ok lar .I never see piranas before. But I love the colour <3> Toad aka Jumper Jumper. I was convicted that it will jump infront of me but it never will happen becauseeeee....

he 'bu shuang' the Aquaria ..didn't feed him well enough ..jk So he/she dont want to do any stunt for us ..

After that go in Kinokuniya
I was bored.

bored again ...

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